We gratefully acknowledge the original 'Disapproving Rabbits' website, that inspired this site, and its creators, Sharon, Bill, Cinnamon, and Dougal. Without you, we would not be here. We Approve Of You!

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Friday, June 20, 2014


Haircut done, carrotinin coolers chilling, if could just get rid of that hoomin...

- Thank you Danielle!


Auntie Jane (It is official!) said...

Oh, dear...Danielle in the Squirrel's den...a less well known yet nonetheless gripping tale from salvation history. Something is definitely on the wall...wait, that isn't writing...well, maybe. This will be something for scholars to puzzle over for millennia. Splendid news, just splendid!

RG said...

Yup - part of the ancient scrolls of doom. Coulda, woulda shoulda ...

On a more positive note, Squirrel is 2/3 of the way to a very good day!

Little Miss Titch said...

Hmmm how about a bunny party/shin dig at my place then you can meet Bashful my pal that is staying at my place and I can get a few pals over like Mickey ,Hannah and Harrington,Racer and and Benji and may be the Princess might want to tag along,oh and then there's Umbra,oh and little freddie too....what do you think Squirrel?xx Speedy

RG said...

Speedy! Stop that! I have enough trouble keeping the Princess and Racer in line and besides, they are too old for that kind of things.

Ijon Tichy the Nth said...

Neh, Speedy, keep at it ;-) if I wasn't such a silly, hairless hoomin I sure would try to join ;-)

sallyneary said...

Squirrel, I hope you have a great weekend in spite of the tagalong hoomin.

Little Miss Titch said...

Hehehehe Party at my Place then!Woohooo!....better get the suplies in...carrotinis,carrot rum,raspberry punch,nibbles music....hmm better get some help from Mr Mick Oh and it his birthday too very cool!xx Speedy

Unknown said...

Hi sorry for the late reply; stoopid hoomins hoggin the internets!! I would love to come and pawty with you Speedy but my momma says I'm a grump (takes one to know one!) and need to learn to play with the other bunnies in our house instead of grouching and trying to steal their furs before she will let me go pawty. :(

Nose bonks x