The morning treats were good, and headrubs were plentiful. Hoomins got up and were happy it's Bunday. They started to on about how Every Day Is Like Bunday. Well, one of them thought about it for a minuted and discovered that Bunday and Sunday have nothing in common and a Bunday comes out on top when compared to "Every Day Is Like Sunday."
We binkied, we climbed up on the hoomins for more treats and eventually retreated to our favorite corners.
Later on, we shall be levitating from the floor onto the couch for salaaaads and more treat.
We'll keep you posted.
- Espresso and Latte
By golly I see the hoomins are slowly improving .. if you wait long enough to check progress it is visible.
Good times. Glad to hear it.
good times to be had for sure,xx Rachel
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