Charlie |
Charlie and Espresso
Spresso |
"Commissioner" Gus, "Just the bribes, Ma'am!"
Gus, the super hero ;-)
Good evening, Everybun!
It's been a quiet day in our burrow. My hoomin managed to sleep in and was late with the cookies. It threw my routine off so much that I decided to stay with Gussy for the entire day. Oh well. My hoomin's routine seems to be off, too. He has to have a "crash day" lately. Or a "forced loaf day," as I would call it. And it might be the medicine he's on.
And what about Spressy? Spressy is doing pretty good, though still sneezing. We didn't hear from the V. E. T. on Saturday, so here's to a consult on M*nd*y, and meds, and hopefully relief.
I wish my hoomin would loaf some more today. He's trying to make good on the promise to finish Graham Cracker's eye, but why freak out over it so much? I'm doing my part, though, and staying off his back today. I know; it's like I'm approving or something.Goodnight, and good luck!
- Charlie
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