Greetings, Everybunny!
It looks like the hoomin is making a habit out of switching our day off. If he keeps that up, we'll have to renegotiate our contract. Saturday is our "hard day off," so what gives? He's begging for our help until the "Red Hop" story ends. Well, every week he says "there are only four or five episodes left." He said that two months ago.
Hm, anyway, the treats arrived, and Charlie inspected them right away. Yeah, we'll need double treats, headrubs, and saaaaalads if this keeps up. At least the breakfast saaaaalads are timely, yammeh and snappeh.
We'll keep you posted,
- Espresso
you tell him Espresso and Charlie,xx Speedy
Is that an empty bowl? Oh Oh ...
Yep, the saaaaalad dish. There were consequences, LOL
nom, nom, nom.. keep it comin' homin ken&kaci
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