A salaaaaaad? Only one salaaaaaad?
- Thank you, Renee!
PS: Mango found a forever home with Renee and Brad on Wednesday, joining Abby, Molly, Pancake, Ava and Penny!
This is what mango had to say on Thursday:
"Hi I'm Mango. I was born at the Hoppy Homes Rescue June 28/2015 which makes me a just over a year old. My new hoomins wants me to make friends with the pretty lady who lives next to me! So far I think she smells good & she's nice to look at too 🙊
My new hoomins are going to give us a few days of toy/blanket switching then cage switching before we are introduced. She is a little confused right now cause she lots her husbun not long ago & den some other guy lived next to her & even cuddle with her & then he went away and I showed up. I think she's interested in me tho, cause she keeps sticking her nose through the bars looking at me

My new hoomins will keep you all updated on our progress."
Congrats on finding some good bunny people, Mango. I'm sure you will have things ship shape and to your liking soon. Keep the disapproval turned on and there will be no choice for the homins except to work harder :) ken&kaci
OOooohh - many upcoming episodes of "As the Bunny World Turns." Just what we need - more suspense!!!
Hey, RG, you are the mathematian. Isn't suspense a cosmic constant - there is never more, never less? Why don't we address ourselves to practical problem solving here? What is going to happen when the new hoomins walk into a room full of bunnies and call out the new guy's name?
How wonderful to give another bunny a home. I think it is the best tribute for a departed friend.
I'm the guy who was sure the Great Pumpkin was absolutely in the patch right down the road and would bring me Snickers. Once I am over that failure, I shall think about these other issues again. For now I shall think good thoughts about Mango!!!
You are right. It is keeping the faith. It is running the course. It is forever showing the world who you are, who your "departed" friend is, and of course, what love and it's transforming power are. I am so sorry for your loss, Renee. I know how hard you must work and worry everyday. May your heart be renewed, as you renew mine. Peace, love, blessings.
RG, I am very sorry about all of it - the Great Pumpkin, your naughty big sister, everything. If you were my grandson, I would keep a sack of your favorite treat always ready at hand. The ways of the Great Pumkin are mysterious, and there was the issue of the plowing under. Do not think upon your absolute surety as a failure. Perhaps you felt it was appropriate to give a pumpkin the benefit of the doubt, a manifestation of your great longing for good. I, too, think it is a moment to think good thoughts about Mango, even if it is SUTTR. But soon, see you at The Tar Pits.
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