Hello, Everybun! To say that the last couple of weeks were difficult would be a terrible understatement. It's been a terrible struggle to reconcile the loss of Mr. Toes. I've been going back and forth on the idea of preserving the character and not "retiring" him, thus breaking one of the rules I set for myself when working on The Disapprovers. Back then, when a character died in real life, he or she also passed away in the story.
I had a couple of ideas for this week's story and, in the end, decided to postpone the proper post for a week. One needs a lot of editing, and the other is still a "concept" that still has to make it into longhand form on paper.
In all honesty, I would love to carry on with Mr. Toes. After all, what would bunfiction be without a bit of fiction? The only trouble is, Mr. Toes would require an illustrator to have any new artwork accompany his sweet mouf. To that mouf, justice would require a whole lot of different level of performance than yours truly can commit to and deliver.
PS: Follow Pancake and Molly on their FB page at Dolly Family.
Mr. Toes' mouf was definitely as sweet as his little toes.
Perhaps Mr. Toes could write from the other side of the bridge?
-Jen (Kohl's mom)
Keep Mr. Toes in somehow ...
... Indeed, Mr. Toes stays. An artist got in touch with us yesterday and offered to help with the art part :-) We'll keep you posted!
Ijon, I believe your gifts are up to any performance. Indissoluble bonds work their way from heart to hand and eye. But, I was also thinking of a passage somewhere amongst all the Dune books. One of the characters has to decide whether to turn the body of his beloved over to a sketchy group that can bring her back to life, but getting her
memories back is trickier. The alternative is to say goodbye to her corporality and give her to her people and their songs and time immemorial rituals. He mournfully chooses the later. I have no idea what I would have done. I do know you can bring Mr. Bun back to us with your own art work though.
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