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Sunday, October 27, 2024

The Bunday Evening Thumps

Good evening, Everybun!

The infirmary is all set up for Charlie for Tuesday. Now, it feels routine and downright morbid. Let's hope that this third time really is the charm.

As for myself, I had a nice little sneezing fit today and got a few drops of pure saline in my nose. We're using the saline ampules we used for the nebulizer since they contain only saline. Dr. Teed recommended pure saline rather than something with preservatives, etc. We're not able to locate any saline in a bottle that doesn't contain additional ingredients.

In other news, we had a massive amount of head rub time, brushing, and all the cookies anybun could want. My hoomin got to paint for a little bit. It's starting to feel nice outside, but you can never be sure if it's fall or spring - that's Florida for you.

Goodnight and good luck!
- Espresso

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