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Saturday, June 15, 2024

Espresso, Charlie, and Gus Update


Hellos, Everybun!

Sir Sneez-A-Lot is finally turning the corner. The lab confirmed Bordetella. Since Wednesday, he's been on 1.8 ml of Sulfatrim twice daily for two weeks.

Of course, Espresso listened in on the phone call with the V. E. T. but thought he heard "mortadella," or "portobello," or something "international" and became very upset. Cuss words were thrown at the hoomin, and indignant thumps shook the burrow.

It took a while for the new medication to kick in, but we finally got a mostly sneeze-free night last night.
My hoomin also set up an appointment for him with a new V. E. T. for July 13th.

So, there you have it. The week felt terribly long, and there's nothing on the agenda today except some extra loafing. And treats. We're indulging in homemade treats made from Sarx recovery food and appetite restorer with plenty of herb garnish. Since my hoomin was afraid of what the antibiotic might do to Espresso's appetite, the treats are something to keep him eating, so we all get to enjoy a little bit of them.

We'll keep you posted!
- Gus

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