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Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Bunday Evening Thumps

Gus, "You trimmed my ears again - you bum!"
Espresso and Charlie, "I know, I know - this is what I do on M*nd*y afternoons."
Espresso, "Oh, we can't grow raspberries in La Florida? It's your fault, of course."

Good evening, Everybun!

We're still enjoying a quiet day here. Spressy is holding up well - cross your paws, so we're all trying to take it a little easier. My hoomin is a little anxious about tomorrow, but I don't expect anything less.

He tries to put on a brave face, but I know better. I sayz, "You have that painting set in a cardboard sleeve, sitting on the easel - isn't it talking to ya!? Do me a quick portrait on it - you know you want to. You've got the 'brown ground' from the cardboard - what else could you want!? Maybe it'll help you take your mind off the tar pits tomorrow and the whole trip to the V. E. T." We'll see if he takes the bait.

Goodnight, and good luck!
- Gus

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