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Tuesday, December 6, 2016
Beautiful Rita (L) and Audrey
Hoomin, the salaaaad is great! Where are the nanners? I thought you're growing a tree in your flat?!?
I'm surprised you tolerate growing just one banana tree in the flat. Why not at least a dozen? And a greens garden, watermelon, berries, carrots, .....
If I were on that side of the pond, I would not hesitate to bring them into a dream forever home! I'd plant nanner trees, gardens, whatever they demanded. So sweet! :)= -Jen (Kohl's mom)
I'm surprised you tolerate growing just one banana tree in the flat. Why not at least a dozen? And a greens garden, watermelon, berries, carrots, .....
These two girls are adorable!
But they've been at the shelter for far too long; about a year, I think.
They need to be adopted by a good, loving hoomin, or hoomins.
Look at those adorable faces! 💖😍
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🐰 🐰 ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
If I were on that side of the pond, I would not hesitate to bring them into a dream forever home! I'd plant nanner trees, gardens, whatever they demanded. So sweet! :)=
-Jen (Kohl's mom)
I am happy that they have their friend Fleetie to bring delicious salad and give them rubs.
Precious bunnies, and it looks like they both heard something very interesting. One ear up ! ken&kaci
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