Last night we found out that Champis left for the Rainbow Bridge :-(
Here is the original post:
with photos that I've somehow missed.
R.I.P and Binky Free Champis, we'll miss you.
- Thank you Kelly :-(
Those bunnies get into your heart and don't let go. Good Bye, Champis : (
Champis will be kept busy there! What a great one! RIP and good wishes to the Champis caregivers.
He was a *very* handsome little bunny guy! And so full of bunny spirit, and so adept at herding sheep literally hundreds of times more massive than him! Without getting trampled himself! He was a bunny superstar, full of intelligence and bunnitude! A true bunny champion!
He leaves a very big Champis-shaped hole, for such a small, but handsome, intelligent, and energetic bun!
I am sure that many buns have lowered their ears to half-mast in respect, and accorded him the 21-bun salute!
Champis, you lived your life well, as a champion rabbit! <3 <3 <3
You will remain in the memories of us lowly hoomins for a very long time indeed. <3 <3 <3
Thank you all for helping me express what I am feeling, and thank you, Champis. Romp in Paradise forever.
The picture of the worthy sheep bowing their heads to him says it all. A majestic rabbit!
He will have a hero's welcome in the Big Garden! Peace, sweet, fierce little guy. Perhaps little Champis Junior will carry on in his thump-prints..?
-Jen (Kohl's mom)
Awww such magical Bunny,binky free little one,xx Rachel
Thank You everyone, for your concern. We miss Champis a lot, he left a big hole of emptiness in our barn and our hearts, but we are so glad and greatful that he gave us Champis Junior just a few month before he died. CJ looks a lot like his father, the apple doesnt fall far from the tree. Please feel free to look in to our blog at Gardsbacken, and follow CJ and all his friens at the barn. And take care everybody and give all your sweet bunnies a pat from all of us at Gardsacken
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