We gratefully acknowledge the original 'Disapproving Rabbits' website, that inspired this site, and its creators, Sharon, Bill, Cinnamon, and Dougal. Without you, we would not be here. We Approve Of You!
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Monday, September 22, 2014
Bunny Foo Foo
You know, you probably deserve this M*nd*y. I'll just stretch out and enjoy the show from here.
- Thank you Tony!
PS: BFF was rescued and fostered by Tony's mom. When she could not take care of him any more, BFF was going to have a forever home with Mr. Bun. Tony was going to be the 'middle man', and bunny hand off was arranged for. As it turned out, once in Tony's hands, BFF was already in his new forever home :-)
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I think I'll just take the day off too and snuggle down right there next to that one.
Meh. Don't talk to me about M*nd*ys!
I had NO sleep last night. As in 00h 00m 00s of sleep.
And I had w*rk today. On a M*nd*y.
It was horrible.
I Disapprove of M*nd*ys. *THUMP!*
But Bunny Foo Foo is VERY fluffeh! <3 <3 <3
Well, Ijon, like any proper rabbit, Bunny Foo Foo is not going anywhere without proper identification. So when Tony pulled his heart out, BFF said, "Thank you, I will just take that now." Fleetie, I am sorry you didn't get any sleep. Please don't let that happen too often. It isn't good for any of us. I think RG is on to something. I suspect that you didn't get to sleep because of being at work, but if it is insomnia, just think of a nice bunn and take a nice nap with him or her. It always works.
I am the middleman of many, many cats, so I understand what happened, Tony.
Fleetie, you are so clever you don't need sleep to handle your job with aplomb.
Bunny Foo Foo, I'm totally not surprised that Tony fell in love with you immediately; your concentrated, furry disapproval is too much to resist. Hope you get a nap, Fleetie!
-Jen (Kohl's mom)
I'm thinking Bunny Foo Foo deserves a Tuesday too.
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