Hellos, Everybun!
It's been a quiet week in the burrow. Everybunny's eating, pooping, waiting. The usual. I'm doing pretty well with my sneezes - have not had a "proper" sneezing fit in a long time. When my hoomin hears a suspicious noise from my nose, I get the saline drops - and that's it. I have a checkup with Dr. Z this Thursday - just in case.
Aside from that, I've been trying to restart my hoomin. His brainburator must be clogged up with bun know what kinda hallucinations. But the old sod is out of warranty, so I can't just run out to Biped Supplies and exchange it for a new one, if you know what I mean. I say, "Sniff some linseed oil - it's like a brainburator cleaner for you - maybe it will help?" but he keeps whining that's too much work, and it's easier to work with acrylics and what now.
He says he'll start one more color study, and then we'll get on with the big pieces.
We'll keep you posted!
- Espresso
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