We gratefully acknowledge the original 'Disapproving Rabbits' website, that inspired this site, and its creators, Sharon, Bill, Cinnamon, and Dougal. Without you, we would not be here. We Approve Of You!

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Sunday, June 6, 2021

The Bunday Evening Thumps

Charlie, "Marco?"
Charlie, "Hay!"  Espresso, "It's what's for dinner."
Gus, "Polo!"

Good Evening, Everybun!

In the movie "Bridge of Spies," the character played by Tom Hanks asks the captured spy, "Do you never worry?"
"Would it help?" answers the spy.

It's a good thing to remember these days. It's not a suggestion to ignore the "next thing that can kill you" but to keep your withs about. Nothing good ever comes out of getting blinded by fear. A sad, terrifying story can give bun a nasty episode of vasovagal syncope — horrible stuff. Just ask my hoomin, he'll tell ya.

And so it's possible to enjoy even the summer days in La Florida. Afternoons are starting to bring showers and the early evenings serve fantastic skyscapes. Inland, the state boils with hail and storms; thunder and lightning scatter airliners like palmetto bugs in the night. Their fringes reach the west coast just in time to be painted by the setting sun.  We get a front seat to the best show of orange, purple, and blue. And we're glad we don't have to run for covers like palmetto bugs or airliners.

Good Night, and Good Luck!
- Gus

1 comment:

RG said...

Boy you sure sent me to my Funk and Wagnalls for that one!!!